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Sorry that the Form is in German. But I think you will manage.
I just wanted to let you know that part of your story is incorrect, Kennet, California is under Shasta Lake which was caused by Shasta Dam not Orville Dam. Just for your info nice page.
Just looking to see if i had any relation
Name: Peter Charles Andrew Briscoe
Email: peter.briscoe@bigpond.com
Datum: Dienstag, 6 September, 2005 um 06:54:33
Son of Charles James Briscoe, Born Liverpool U.K. 1909 eldest of inc. Albert, Flo, & [x]. C.J. Briscoe moved to Australia in 1951 after working in British Colonial Service in Borneo.
Hi I was looking for family
Was looking up Center Point, Howard Co., AR. Fellowship Cemetery, when Phereby Jane appeared! A wonderful web site with lots of information. Phereby's husband, Hardy J. Westbrook and my great grandfather, Henry Jackson Westbrook were brothers. Would love to know more about these brothers and their other siblings. Are there any pictures? Also if anyone knows any back ground on their parents, Allen T. and Frances Westbrook, PLEASE e-mail. Cannot find Allen's parents anywhere. Thank you so much.
Name: Dorothy Light Neher
Email: dotn2406@charter.net
Datum: Dienstag, 2 August, 2005 um 04:27:22
My grandfather was John Monroe Briscoe, My great-grandfather was William Markus Briscoe, My great-great grandfather was John J. Briscoe "Burle", My great-great-great-grandfather was Martin Van Buren Briscoe and My great-great-great-great grandfather was Thomas William Huell Briscoe. We can trace them back to 1790 when Thomas William Huell Briscoe was born, he died in 1873. I would like to learn more about the Briscoe family, their lives and descendants. I would appreciate any information, copies of old photos etc.
Great site. I wish every family history was done this detailed.
Hi everyone.My great,great grandfather was Martin Van Buren Briscoe,of whom i know very little.If anyone has any information to share,please e-mail me and let me know.Great site,by the way.
Name: Gail Greening Baker
Email: bakergar@sbcglobal.net
Datum: Sonntag, 24 April, 2005 um 07:19:21
Hi! Interesting to find a website that I'm actually in! Had the opportunity to meet Norm Arrowsmith, my dad's second cousin that I found by accident on the internet. Keep up the hard work!
my great grandfather,Liverpool,UK was a Briscoe,daughter Violet married Charles Yates,Liverpool
Great site! I'm from Lafayette, Louisiana. If there is a reunion planned, please contact me!!!!
I am a descendent of William Greenberry Briscoe (about 5th generation, I guess). My grandfather (John Sebron Briscoe) was born in Morgan Co., Ala. and later lived in Double Springs, AL. We have a Briscoe Association in AL and have reunions yearly. Most are getting old now, and the younger ones don't come as often, but we're still going. Gary Briscoe (my cousin) is our President.
Respect! Greetings from Germany . alles Gute
Name: Thomas Glenn Briscoe
Email: tbriscoe@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 23 Januar, 2005 um 16:36:09
Does anyone know anything about this: Massacre of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Briscoe and Capture of Their Children Isaac Briscoe first settled about five miles north of Jacksboro, where he remained for some time. Joe Fowler, who was driving home the oxen when the Indians charged the residence of Calvin Gage, married a daughter of Mr. Briscoe. Jim McKinney, also married a daughter of Mr. Briscoe. Mrs. Jim McKinney was a full sister to Mrs. Joe Fowler. Near the close of the Civil War, the savages became so troublesome, Isaac Briscoe, then living with a second wife, considered it unsafe to remain in the territory north of Jacksboro. So he moved to the old Shirley place, about three-fourths of a mile north of Agnes, and about fifteen miles north and west of Weatherford. Here Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe and their two daughters and sons settled to be secure from the savage onslaughts. But one morning in May or June, of 1866, the wild demons of the plains dashed upon their frontier cabin, and none were left to relate their sad experience. It has been supposed that Mr. Briscoe had found a temporary shelter from the summer sun under a grape arbor, near the house, when the Indians appeared. He and his wife were both massacred, and their three children carried into captivity. Only a few local citizens knew the horrors of this awful crime. Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe were not only murdered but their bodies were maimed in many ways, and scalped in the most horrible manner. Mr. Jim Mayo, who lived about one mile east of the Briscoe residence, discovered their dastardly deeds, and sent his son, Tom, to the home of Mrs. Lucendia Caldwell, to notify her of the presence of the savages. Mrs. Caldwell furnished Tom Mayo a pony and then sent him and her son to the home of Mrs. W. H. Allen to notify this frontier lady the Indians were raiding. The extent of their depredations, however, at this time was unknown. And as usual, other runners were also sent in other directions. R. E. and A. C. Tackett, brothers and members of L. L. Tackett's company of rangers, and perhaps others, were soon in their saddles, in quest of the savages. They hurried to the home of Sammy Stacks, whose horses the Indians were stealing. As usual, the Indians divided, and when the Tackett brothers reached the Stacks home, they charged the Indians, who were after horses in a nearby field. One Indian had placed a rawhide rope around a horse's neck, and was in the act of leading her away. A. C. Tackett charged this Indian and almost ran over the savage, who fell over the fence. R. E. Tackett jumped from his steed, laid his gun on the fence, and fired. But about this time, thirty or forty savages came charging toward the whites, who were forced to retreat for their own protection. The Indians next appeared at the home of Mrs. W. H. Allen, whose husband, at the time, was away. The warriors reached the Allen home shortly after the arrival of Tom Mayo and the son of Mrs. Lucendia Caldwell. Mrs. Allen was in the loom room weaving, and had sent her daughter, Lucy, to hunt the scissors, when the Caldwell boy and Tom Mayo quickly arrived. About that time, or shortly afterwards, several Indians made their appearance. Mrs. Allen and her five little children, the baby, a few month old, Sarah, Mattie, Annie, Lucy, all of whom were very small, were at the house. The Mayo boy's horse was soon shot, and the Caldwell boy jumped from his pony and ran in the house. Mrs. Allen picked up the baby, Mrs. Lucendia Caldwell's son, H. Caldwell, took Mattie, and they all ran north to the creek, which was about fifty or sixty yards away. When they reached this stream, they waded in the water for some distance, to avoid their being trailed by the Indians, and until they reached the home of Jimmy Shadle. The savages robbed Mrs. Allen's home, ripped open her feather and straw beds, took her bed-clothes and such other things that seemed to suit their fancy. Five feather beds and five hundred pounds of flour were ripped open for the sole purpose of getting the sacks and bed ticking. The family clock was taken out in the yard and destroyed. From here the Indians went north. Mrs. Caldwell took her children into the corn field and hid. Some of the Indians appeared at the home of J. T. Gilliland and Jack Wynn. Wynn and Gilliland started toward the lot to protect their horses, but when fired upon by the savages, they retreated back to the house. The Indians succeeded in getting some of their horses, but the next day one animal returned with a rawhide rope around his neck. The Briscoe children were carried to Oklahoma never to return to their former community. Two Briscoe girls and one boy were carried into captivity. About 1867 or 68, however, an army officer in Oklahoma wrote to the officer in command at Ft. Richardson to the effect that some children by the name of Briscoe, who formerly lived in Parker County, had been recovered from the savages. Billy Briscoe, a son of Isaac Briscoe and his first wife, went to Oklahoma to find his sister and brother, but when he reached his destination he was told that the Briscoe children had been sent to an orphans home. Note: Author personally interviewed: Joe Fowler, who married a daughter of Isaac Briscoe; A. C. Tackett, mentioned above; Jno. Frazier, Dole Miller, and others, who lived in this section at the time. The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell. Additional information from the book, A Cry Unheard, by Doyle Marshall. When the local settlers learned of the Brisco family massacre, messengers were sent to warn those living in the surrounding areas. Volunteers gathered to pursue the Indians. Soon the posse overtook the band which was in the act of stealing a settler's horse. The settlers' pursuit was abandoned when it was found that the band outnumbered the few frontier defenders. However, because the warning was effectively given throughout the area, the settlement was spared further killings on that raid. Nevertheless, several homes were pilfered by the raiders before they left the county. Like the family of Cynthia Brisco McKinnney, Isaac Brisco and his wife were buried together in a single grave in the Old Goshen Cemetery. Two years later, a Kiowa chief, Timber Mountain, traded Eliza and Isaac to the sutler at Fort Dodge, Kansas for merchandise. The younger sister was not ransomed along with the two older children, but had either died or remained with the Kiowas. The ransomed captives were placed in the care of Mr. Hugh Bradley, United States guide and interpreter, who fed and clothed them at his own expense for an extended time. One year after the ransom of the children, A. G. Boone, U. S. Indian Agent for the Kiowas and Comanches, was still attempting to locate someone who knew of the childrens' family. On April 1, 1869, Boone wrote to the Commission of Indian Affairs, in Washington, and inquired as to what should be done with the ransomed captives. By letter dated April 27, 1869, the Commissioner requested Texas Governor E. M. Pease to try to locate friends or relatives of the captives and inform them that the children had been found. The Commissioner requested that if friends and relatives could not be found the governor advise as to the desired disposition of the children. An historian of the North Texas frontier stated that Eliza and Isaac Brisco were never returned to the former home-that when their twenty-five-year-old brother, Billie Brisco, went to the Indian Territory to bring the children home he found that federal officials had given up on ever finding the relatives and had placed the children in an orphans' home. Of the brothers, sisters, and parents of Joe and Elizabeth Brisco Fowler, the Indians in three different attacks killed eight, wounded five, tortured one, and captured five. In spite of the heartache at the hands of the raiding Indians experienced by the determined young pioneer family, Joe and Elizabeth apparently still considered that the advantages of living on the North Texas frontier outweighed the risks, so continued to live there throughout the remaining years that Indians raided the settlements.
Happy New Year! Great Site! Had to do a class project for my daughter Savannah. I never thought we would get this much information and great pictures! You have done a wonderful job putting this together. I am the daughter of Vada Earlene Briscoe Hughes and if you could please change her birthdate, it is May 10, 1938. Thanks for all your hard work!
Just Looking. Great Website.
I am the oldest member of another whole Briscoe clan. I have the father's, grandfather's, etc. information going back to Louisville 1797. I will be posting this on your site as soon as I can get to it. My wife and I live in New Jersey, however we are in Cambridge, England this academic year. Branches of the family (my siblings are in California, Washington, Colorado, and Oregon. Their, and my, children are all over the US and Europe.) Best Holiday wishes to you all--I'll get back soon.
Name: Lynda Peterson
Email: LyndaCpeterson@yahoo.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 8 Dezember, 2004 um 18:02:16
I found your sight looking for info on col. phillip Howard who died in texas 1894. He had 3 daugters with Sarah Creath Howard. The yahoo search sent me here but I wasn't able to make a connection. You have a great website, hopefully I can eminate it one day.
Just looking.
Name: Stephanie Briscoe
Email: mthrteddybear@aol.com
Datum: Sonntag, 24 Oktober, 2004 um 09:56:03
Hi, my name is Stephanie Briscoe I am married to John Mark Briscoe Jr. I was wanting to find out more about the Briscoe family history. Like who was the parents of Lawrence Briscoe. Lawrence moved to Indiana from somewhere out west the family thinks California somewhere he had two daughters and a son John Mark Briscoe with his first wife. He married again and had more children what their names are or who his second wife was we don't know and we don't know any thing about Lawrence before he came to Indiana if you come across anything please let me know. John Sr married Frankie Dinwitty and had three children Susan, John Jr, and cindy. John Jr was married three times he had one son with his first wife and named him David William Briscoe. He married again to Brenda Sue Slaughterback and had three more children Debbie Sue Briscoe, Mark Lee Briscoe born in August died in November at three months old, Philip John Briscoe. I am his third wife we have one son Joshua Adam Briscoe born November 14, 1999. David has three children Alexis, Eli, and Ashley. Debbie has two children Isaac, and Adria. Isaac was born November 15, 2000. Joshua and Isaac will be celebrating their fourth and fifth birthday together at McDonalds Playplace at the request of the boys
Name: allan gordon briscoe
Email: abriscoe305@aol.com
Datum: Mittwoch, 13 Oktober, 2004 um 15:54:08
Well its A small world ! Icame across your site during research, I dont know wear the German came in but the Village of Briscoe in Cumberland spawned our family in 1066. A la Domsday Book. We are now in northumberland U K Good luck for the future allan
I am looking for information on a Martha Briscoe that lived in Alabama born abt. 1870. She married Notley Marcus Warren b. 1870.
My father Ikey Royce Green is the grandson of Bettie Adeline Briscoe Jacobs. She was a wonderful woman, my dad called her Grandma. Everyone thought highly of her as a person, loving and caring. She died when I was a young child. Judy Catheline Green Lujan
Hi I am the son of Troy and Dorothy (Hays) Briscoe. My wife is Gloria (Wier) Briscoe. This is a great website...Am looking forward to reading more about our distant relatives....Great job Gary and Mike. James
This is by far one of the best family genealogy sites I have seen. All of the Briscoe family members should be proud of such an informative site. Keep up the excellent work folks. Regards Claude & Beth Sprinkel (daughter to Naomi Briscoe and grand-daughter to Jasper Newt & Mary Jane Briscoe (nee Voyles)
Great Site!! Has been a great help with the Props/Brisco branch of my tree. Keep up the great work.
Hi you all, my family and me wish everybody Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year. Love Sherryl
Hi Gary and Judy. I'm the "other Judi Briscoe" in the Austin phonebook! I noticed that you've put Gary's name first in the listings this year - hopefully that will save you some of the misdirected calls from my friends! Have a Merry Christmas and good luck with the family tree pursuit! Judi
Name: Carolyn Dossey
Email: chuckdossey@hotmail.com
Datum: Sonntag, 19 Oktober, 2003 um 21:15:21
What a great job. We can help with the Dossey side of the family.
Hi. My mother is JoNell Briscoe Leal, daughter of Earl and Julia Briscoe. I will send you more information to update our side of the family and hope others will do the same soon! Thanks for the great site and all of your hard work in putting it together and keeping it going!
Great site, I am currently working in the Philippines so it is nice to learn what is happening back home with the family. Betty Briscoe is my mom, daughter of Earl and Julia Briscoe.
Hi you all. If anybody has any information he wants to have posted in our Web, send it to me and I'll see what I can do. Mike
Thank you for the great site. I am related to John R Brisco and this third wife Rebecca Wray.
This was a great idea I am looking forward to reading more. I am the Grandson of Earl & Julie Briscoe.
Sorry I signed in before I read the family tree.There is a mistake on my family. There is no child named Olivia. My mother-in-law is named Olivia and I guess you picked that up on my sheet I sent Gary. Wiley
Am using Linda's email address at home. Don't know a word of German, but guess this is right. My Mother was Neva Nell Briscoe. Good job cousins. Wiley
Love the start of your site. Hope to see much more. I descend from Leroy Be(a)vers brother of Nancy Be(a)vers Briscoe.
Good start - glad you set this site up. One error noted - James W. Briscoe's second wife's name was Margaret KNAULS, not Kanuls. As you know and noted, other spellings were Nobles, Naules, Nalls. Are you going to follow any of the females side lines down? If so I and others have considerable information. James W. and Polly were my great-great-grandparents. I have written a Briscoe-Standlee genealogy which I can give you in digital form.
Hallo I wish I could communicate in Deutsch. Two of my children speak some Deutsch. It would be a pleasure to meet my Deutsch cousins.
This Briscoe family tree is the best thing we have going to Make sure all of the future Briscoe's will remember all of us and the Briscoe's who have come and gone. Gary Briscoe and Mike Briscoe you have done a great job in putting this together, when it is finished I know it will be great
First thanks for all the hard work you had to do to make this for all of us! It is very good and I'm so looking forward to coming back and seeing all the new updates! Thanks again Carroll Dean
This is the first entry. Thanks for visiting the Briscoe family web. Leave your comments or aktivities here for everyone to read. Mike